Security components

Xsdot implemented a 3 layer authentication system into its web application server. By using authentication services, it is possible to give access or deny access to users on web servers, web application domains and specific web services or pages. As our web application server is hierarchical based our security system is also hierarchical based, easily apply authentication on web tree nodes.
Read more about security and web services protection in the ‘Xsdot security systems’ section of this site.
User component
The User component represents a single user in an application domain. Single user are mostly maintained for intranet...Lees verder > -
Group component
Administrators can define ‘groups’ that are used for attaching single users or user groups. A group can be granted...Lees verder > -
User group component
A user group component has been implemented for the storage of large groups of users. User groups are mainly used for...Lees verder > -
User settings component
With the ‘User settings’ service, members of a user group can manage their own settings when implemented.Lees verder > -
Login indicator / Quick login
With this component an application designer can implement a quick logon system or it can be used as an logon...Lees verder > -
Who is online service
A module that displays the currently online members in an application or user group. The shown members can link to...Lees verder > -
Web services anti abuse system
A huge issue for web applications is the constantly increasing ’web application abuse’. Web application...Lees verder > -
Item security properties
The security property page controls the items security. The security consists out of authentication and encryption....Lees verder >