Content management systems

A content management system (CMS) is a set of processes that are used to create, edit, store, organize and publish content for online (web sites) and offline documents (folders, books, etc.). Xsdot implements and develops web-based content management systems that are used in internet, intranet and extranet environments.
With Xsdot’s advanced hierarchical CMS content managers easily create rich content containing any of Xsdot’s 180+ components that are easily extended with custom made services (See Xsdot full components list for more information).
Xsdot's content management system seamlessly integrates with other Xsdot web services like eCommerce, eMailing, Community services, Security and CRM services.
HTML5 CMS editor

Easily create and modify HTML5 tags like for example article, section and figure.
With the ‘show semantics’ tools it is possible to view the HTML5 structure of the page and edit it directly.
The tools furthermore show other important (SEO) tags and attributes like bold, strong, headers, and images alt tags.
Websites and portals
Our content management system is mostly used for publishing pages in websites, portals and eCommerce systems. Because of Xsdot’s open layout system and direct editing possibilities, portals and sites are easily structured and managed online.
Responsive mobile websites
Mobile web applications are mostly used for small informational websites, multi media (video, audio, etc.) and entertainment (for example games, wallpapers and ring tones). Xsdot has implemented the 'xhtml mobile standard' into its content management system. Mobile applications are easily maintained next to ‘normal' web sites or other web applications.
Advanced content and S.E.O. services
Using Xsdot content management system and Xsdot's content management lessons, content managers are enabled to create correctly structured content for both search engines (robots) and human readers. We implemented several services to monitor and specify the relevance and correctness of keywords and texts used in content or websites.
Index services and build-in search engines
We developed special index services to create and index keywords in pages and sites.
By giving a ‘weight’ number to the keywords it is possible to specify the keywords importance in a site or page. The keyword lists are used to improve content, to monitor content for S.E.O. purposes, to improve search results given by the internal search engine and to suggest keywords to the visitors using the build-in search engine.
Hierarchical and open layout system
Xsdot content management server is the worlds only true hierarchical application server. Place and combine components or services physically within pages freely; easily structure content in a tree based hierarchy; create any imaginable layout or content structure on the fly; create advanced menus, lists and collections using item views and item collections.
Folders, books and catalogs for offline printing
Xsdot developed a PDF output system for the creation of high resolution folders, books and product catalogs used for offline printing. Print shops can download the printable folders, books and catalogs straight out of a website, portal or web shop, excluding the need for extra design and layout costs. Different designs and page sizes can be implemented per site or application.
Easy to use text editor
Using Xsdot’s content components to create texts is as easy as using any other text processor (Word, Open Office, etc.). Easily apply any font styles like bold, italic, underline, up case and under case. Easily create internal and external links that are daily tested for existence. Easily apply styles to elements using different (custom) design definitions.
Graphic and media services
Xsdot's content management server contains advanced graphic components that automatically convert any graphics to the right formats and sizes that are needed for internet content. With Xsdot's graphic services you don't need third party software like Photoshop or other design software to create internet graphics. Also knowledge about internet graphics is unneeded, graphics are always presented in the correct format.

Out of the box page services
All needed page tool services are available in Xsdot’s content / application server,
- Add to favorites
- Printable version
- PDF folder version
- PDF book version
- Mail page
- Rate page
- Share page
- Page Qr code
- Increase / decrease font size
Advanced security and authentication services
Easily apply security and authentication on pages and content by using our open security system. Access to pages and content can be blocked, or made accessible to different groups or users. By using our eCommerce services content and pages can even be sold and distributed online.
Multiple sites and applications in one system
Because of Xsdot's open hierarchical services system and multiple application domain solutions, it is easy to implement and manage multiple sites, portals, eCommerce and other web application services in one easy to use content management system.
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Xsdot ready to use eCommerce components
Page service
The page service represents an empty framework that is used for creating web pages. By default a web page service is...Read more > -
Content service
The content service is used for creating text elements in for example pages. It contains a wysiwyg (‘what you see is...Read more > -
Image service
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Graphic service
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Link service
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Folder service
The folder service is an empty container to store other elements and has for the rest no special functionalities. The...Read more > -
File service
With the file service it is possible to place and publish files into content and applications. All file types are...Read more > -
Item container service
The item container is a service that is used to structure elements (other services) in a container. The container can...Read more > -
Item view service
An item view service is used to put a view on an item or a groups of items, the view service presents the item or...Read more > -
PDF service
Xsdot developed a PDF output system for the creation of high resolution folders, books and product catalogs used for...Read more > -
Table component
A generic table component has been developed for for the presentation of tables in content pages. It implements ajax...Read more > -
Template service
This service is used by designers to create design definitions for the Xsdot application platform, services and...Read more >