Image service

The image service is used for placing images in web site content and web site design templates. The image service implements the following functions,
Conversion functions
All images are automatically scaled to the correct size and correct internet format. Many formats are supported like, JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP.
Cropping, aspect ratio and size
The image services contains tools to crop images and resize images, furthermore it is possible to change an image’s aspect ratio.
Image link target
Images can link to many targets like internal links, external links, downloadable image, image in new window, image in popup and image in AJAX window.
Image filters
These filters are used to apply styles to images, for example watermarks, black & white filters, color filters, image matte, etc.
Images for S.E.O.
Images can be used for S.E.O. by publishing additional image properties or meta data.
Tip: Use the ‘File import’ tool to upload multiple images at once. The ‘File import’ tool enables to drag & drop images from Windows, Linux and Macintosh operating systems.