Product components

The eCommerce configuration modules are used to administrate all eCommerce settings and definitions. The modules can be freely implemented so multiple eCommerce solutions can be defined in one web application. Below is given a list with the Xsdot eCommerce configuration modules,
Product framework
A product framework is the main component that is used to start the creation of a product page, it can contain any other Xsdot components to provide customers with detailed product information and extended ecommerce functionalities.
The framework itself implements many settings like selected attributes systems and attributes, selected related products, implemented product prices, product unities, product volumes, design definitions, excluded order regions, supply control and extended shipping cost calculations.
Product price
Product prices are place-able in a product frameworks or are freely place-able in other Xsdot components. Product prices implement settings like price label, product code, price, tax, weight, volume, target region, used template definition and stock control.
Price container
A price container presents single or multiple prices in a special way defined by a price container design template. For example, multiple prices can be presented in drop down or multi select box. Furthermore the price container can display selectable product attributes and present price or product tools.
Price option
A price option is used to assign additional option to prices, options can be for example colors, sizes, volumes, etc. For the more advanced ecommerce solutions an open variable and attribute system is used instead.
Product download collection
This is a special framework that enables a merchant to sell downloadable products like documents, video and audio files, software files or other files. A web shop customer can download or access these files after the files have been paid for.
Product specifications
This is a simple tool for presenting and defining product specifications. It implements a table of specifications and a design template selection.
Product category
This is a simple component that is used for small eCommerce applications to store and categories products. The categories are used for example in the product search system. For the more advanced ecommerce solutions an open variable and attribute system is used instead.
Variable and attribute systems
The open variable and attribute systems are used to assign attributes to products. The attributes are used for example to create product drill down functions, are used for the internal search engine and are used to present attribute or variable lists. (See Xsdot Search & index service for more information.