E-Commerce Administration modules
![Xsdot Components](/web-applications/web-services/web-services-web-components-160124.jpg?v=2x204x198)
The eCommerce configuration modules are used to administrate all eCommerce settings and definitions. The modules can be freely implemented so multiple eCommerce solutions can be defined in one web application. Below is given a list with the Xsdot eCommerce configuration modules,
Order administration
This module presents a table view of orders and provides a merchant with all needed tools to administrate orders, offers and invoices. The order administration module contains search options like search by customer, order id, price and order states to filter the order list.
Invoice and offer administration
Enables a merchant to review, create and change invoices and offers online. This module implements merchant and customer addresses, company information, order lines, shipping and payment calculations, additional order lines and more.
Label and envelope administration
This services enables a merchant to create and print labels and envelopes. The label wizard contains settings to print single labels and label sheets.
Order state administration
Review and change order states like order placed, paid, shipped, offer request, offer rejected, offer accepted, offered, backorder, cancelled, failed, new and order template.
Notifications and emails
The order administration module posts notifications to customers when order states have been changed, furthermore a merchant can post shipping tracking codes and customer emails.
Product administration
Because Xsdot products and prices are place-able in a hierarchical tree it can be sometimes difficult to get a global view of the implemented products as they are scattered in the eCommerce application. The solution to this problem is the Product administration module, it displays all products and prices in a table view. The product administration module implements product search and order options and enables a merchant to edit products and prices directly in the table.
Customer administration
Enables a merchant to create and administrate customer addresses and customer account settings. Multiple customer groups can be implemented and used in the order and other administration tools.
Financial administration
This is a stripped down module of the order administration module specifically developed for the use by financial administrators.
Package administration
Enables a package manager to review order packages and print out package papers, envelopes and labels.