Filter statistics

Filter statistics

Shows the filter statistics in a given time frame. Enables to compare raw sessions with filtered sessions (grouping and robot filters).

Statistics - Filters

Grouping filter, robot filter graph

Shows the raw sessions against the grouped and robot sessions.
Gray Raw session.
Red Robot sessions.
Green Real visitors.

Statistics table

Gives a table with the top, min and average raw session, sessions after grouping filter and sessions after the robot filter.

Robot filter graph

Shows the after grouping filtered sessions against the after robot filtered sessions.
Red After grouping filter.
Green After robot filter.
Blue Authenticated sessions.

Statistics table

Gives a table with the top, min and average grouped sessions, after robot filtered sessions and authenticated sessions.

Filtered sessions, robot sessions graph

Shows the grouped sessions against the robot sessions and filtered (visitor) sessions.
Gray Grouped session.
Green Filtered sessions (visitors).
Red Robot sessions.

Statistics table

Gives a table with the top, min and average grouped sessions, robot sessions and visitor  sessions.

  • EN
  • NL