E-Commerce statistics

E-Commerce statistics

Gives statistics for ecommerce and financial applications in the selected time frame.

Order graph

Shows a graph with orders in a given time frame
Blue Income including vat
Green Income excluding vat
Purple Vat


All orders Number of all orders in the given time frame.
Paid orders Number of all paid orders in the given time frame.
Pending orders Number of all pending orders in the given time frame.
Failed orders Number of all failed orders in the given time frame.

Income graph

Shows a graph with the income in the specified time frame.
Blue Income including vat
Green Income excluding vat
Purple Vat

Financial statistics table

Gives a table with all income including and excluding tax and the total tax.
All orders All orders.
Paid orders All orders that have been paid.
Pending orders All orders that have not been paid.

Top products table

Gives a table with the most ordered products or services in a given time frame.
# Number.
Product Product or service.
Ordered Numbers ordered.

Top sample downloads table

Gives a table with the most downloaded samples in a given time frame.
# Number.
Sample Downloaded sample.
Counted Number of downloads.
  • EN
  • NL