Advanced search

The advanced search system enables visitors and customers to easily find content pages, products and community articles (forums, blogs, etc.).
The following functions options are available,
Ajax search suggestions tool
The ajax search suggestion tool shows search suggestions depending on the given characters or search phrases given by visitors and customers.
Multiple design options
Search results can be presented in several designs and include the ability to show content and product images in the search results.
Search options
Xsdot implemented several algorithms/patterns that improve the search results given to visitors and customers. For example, a page/product relevance score is calculated depending on the given search keywords or phrases improving search results drastically. The search system implements many search options like,
- Search method (all keyword; any keywords; exact match).
- Search in / filter categories.
- Order methods (relevance; title; price; dates).
- Time period (last month; year, etc.).
- Show as lines, columns, detailed, etc.
- Page type filter (content pages; product pages; community pages).
- Search for publisher.
- Results per page filter.
- Highlighted keywords.