Customer services

The customer services are divided in three main parts: registration and authentication, customer settings and configuration, and customer do it yourself services like customer support, customer RMA and customer offers & invoices. The invoices and offers can be paid online using the eCommerce order system.
Customer Registration
With the customer registration system users or customers can register themselves into a user group (for example a shop user group). It implements various account activation options like activation by email, like activation by SMS or activation by an administrator. The registration system can be freely applied to for example ecommerce order systems, forums and blogs.
Customer login
The login system is used to authenticate users or customers, it implements several login functions like force SSL connections, post password by mail and an abuse blocking systems. The security system can be applied to any service, content or application freely. After authentication users or customers can for example access customer services, settings and information.
Customer addresses
After authentication, customers can review and change their addresses using this module (for example invoice and shipping addresses). The addresses are used for example in the eCommerce order system.
Customer Orders
With this module customers can review, download and pay ecommerce orders online after authentication. This module shows for example orders states (paid, shipped, etc.) and order invoices.
Customer Offers
The customer offers module enables customer to review, download, reject, accept and pay offers. This module shows for example offer prices and offer states (rejected, accepted, new offer).